Monday, 23 December 2019


Please note all my work is Copy-write.

MR. J. OOSTHUIZEN  from the Western Cape in South Africa asks; Did the Waratah have the same crew when she sailed from Australia or did some leave her before she sank?
ANSWER, No, she had crew members pay off in Australia and was actually short handed for the voyage back to London,

 NAME                NATIONALITY          RATING              RACE                      DISCHARGED.

H. S. Thomas          British                        Surgeon               Australian                    Sydney
E.D. Dischler          Finnish                          AB                       Finn                          Sydney
W.Smith                  British                           AB                       European                  Sydney
D. Cunningham      British                           AB                       European                   Melbourne
C. Crisp                  British                           AB                       European                   Sydney
W.M.MacDonald   British                           AB                       Australian                 Melbourne
E.Lewis                  British                           AB                       Australian                   Sydney
W. Baker                British                           AB                       European                    Sydney
W. Marshall           British                           Trimmer               European                    Sydney
A. Thompson         British                           Trimmer               Australian                  Melbourne
T. Bloomfield        British                           2nd Steward         European                    Sydney
A.B. Wilson          British                           Gen.servant          European                    Sydney
W.W. Shore           British                           Gen.servant         European                    Sydney
Mary Anderson     British                           2nd stewardess    European                    Adelaide
W.S. Power           British                           Gen.servant        European                    Sydney
W. Merry              British                           Gen.servant         European                    Adelaide
S.Lyons                British                           Gen.servant         European                     Sydney
W.W.Dewey         British                           Gen.servant         European                     Melbourne
N. Sharpe             British                            AB                      European                     Sydney
F. Little                British                            Gen.servant         European                     Durban
R.Young              British                             Trimmer              European,failed to join ship Sydney
A.E Harmall        British                             Trimmer              European, failed to join ship Sydney

                                                         12 crew discharged Sydney
                                                          4 crew  discharged Melbourne
                                                          1 desertion in Melbourne
                                                          1 failed to join ship in Melbourne
                                                          2 crew discharged Adelaide
                                                          1 crew discharged Durban.

                           Extract from Victorian police gazette offering rewards for deserters. 

Deserters were only hunted within a fifty mile radius of the port where they jumped ship, this is why William Lund later to become the owner of the Blue Anchor Line when he deserted a sailing ship  in Adelaide was getting ready to travel inland for work outside of the police due restriction knowing he would be safe from arrest, unfortunately he was arrested before he cover the fifty miles from Adelaide.
Before leaving Adelaide for Durban Captain Ilbery could only manage to to get six passage workers signed on at 1 shilling per month for the voyage back to London. In the case of Frederick Little who left the ship in Durban, told the Court of inquiry on  day three the  3rd of December 1910 that he had left the ship to find work ashore. In actual fact reading through his evidence I believe he left the ship because he was frightened of her and had over heard the officers talking about the severe rolling along with other crewmen telling him the ship was top heavy. Whether or not he found work ashore is not mentioned but he did find his back to London on another ship and appeared before the inquiry.