Friday 29 March 2019

Thank you to my many readers

Thank you to those of you that have written their objections to a  vitriolic attack made on me for simply reporting the truth about the Waratah Disaster based on solid research for publishing an article on Monday the 23rd of July 2018 under the heading of my blog page, The Waratah Explained,which can be found on  Google. I was accused of castigating Emlyn Brown and of professional jealousy over articles he wrote in a magazine. I should like to point out that my post in no way was written with malice, or jealousy, but meant to be informative backed up with solid research and nautical expertise and to unravel the the mystery of the ss Nailsea Meadow for the readers. I expressed my opinions in an honest and forthright manner,  and will continue to do so which is my right, the Waratah story is not the personal property of one person, it is maritime history and must be shared for posterity and that is exactly what I am doing. The question arose why have have I not searched for the Waratah, I could have, and have been approached on a number of occasions over the years but the truth is she is deep down and there is no cargo or gold on board the ship that would warrant an expensive salvage operation which would not offer  a profitable monetary return to the investors. Other than finding an archeological  relic which wouldn't tell us any more than what we already know about the ship and her actual resting place, there would be no point in mounting such an expensive operation. The object of my pain taking research was to open up the story of the Waratah which takes away some of the mystery that has surrounded her and to give an insight into what caused her demise. 
My next post coming shortly will be a chapter from my manuscript entitled  The Maiden Voyage.
Once again thank you for your patronage and kind words and support.